Jackson County uses a paper-based optical scan voting system for both early voting and precinct voting. The Election Systems & Software DS200 optical scan tabulator is used to tabulate the ballots as they are cast. Voters with disabilities may opt to use a ballot-marking device with audio ballot capabilities; one is available at each polling place and each early voting site. We use the Election Systems and Software Express Vote to satisfy the Help America Vote Act and Americans With Disabilities Act requirements for accessible voting equipment.
Whether you vote early or you vote at the polls, you will be required to show current and valid picture and signature identification. The following forms of identification are acceptable:
- Florida Driver’s License
- Florida Identification Card
- U. S. Passport
- Debit or Credit Card
- Military Identification
- Student Identification
- Retirement Center Identification
- Neighborhood Association Identification
- Public Assistance Identification
- Veteran health ID card issued by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
- License to carry a concealed weapon or firearm issued pursuant to section 790.06, Fla. Stat.
- Employee ID card issued by any branch, department, agency, or entity of the Federal Government, the state, county, or municipality.
If you do not provide current and valid picture and signature identification, or if your eligibility to vote cannot be determined, you will be allowed to vote a provisional ballot. If the signature on record at the Supervisor of Elections office matches that on the Provisional Ballot Certificate, the ballot will be counted.
Once your identity and your address have been verified, you will be asked to sign the precinct register or electronic device and then you will be issued a ballot to vote. Ballots are issued based on the party affiliation of the voter (during a primary) and the residence address that the voter gives.
Using the pen provided, completely fill in the oval next to the name of the candidates or the issue choices you prefer. If you need assistance in marking your ballot, please inform the pollworker before you enter the voting booth. If you make a mistake when voting a paper ballot, ask for a replacement. You may receive up to two replacements (three ballots total).
Once you have filled in the ballot, take it to the optical scan machine and slide it in. If you have left the ballot blank, or if you have marked more choices than are allowed in a particular race, you will be given the opportunity to receive a new ballot.
Voters also have the option of voting on the ballot marking device (Express Vote), which is accessible for voters who have disabilities. If you wish to utilize the Express Vote to vote, let the registration attendant know. An election worker will will provide you with a paper ballot based on your precinct and party affiliation (if applicable). The Express Vote has audio ballot capabilities. To vote your ballot, you simply touch the screen next to the name of the candidate or the issue choice of your preference, or you may utilize the buttons on the device. You will be given the opportunity to review and make changes to your ballot before it is marked. Once you complete your selections, the Express Vote will mark your ballot and return it to you for placement in the DS200 ballot tabulator.